The Lindisfarne College Dux for 2021 is Finley Duncan. In 2020, as a Year 12 student, Finley earned five Scholarships. In 2021, he has a grade point average across his best five subjects of 99%. 100% of his credits for NCEA Level 3 have been attained at Excellence level. He has achieved Levels 1,2 and 3 all with an Excellence endorsement. Finley has been awarded Academic Colours with distinction for the second time this year and has entered for an incredible 13 Scholarship subjects. He has come first in Ag. Hort Science and Classics and second in English, Economics and Maths with Calculus and was awarded the Halstead Medallion for excellence as an Arts student.
Finley is the first Lindisfarne student to progress into round two of the International Mathematics Olympiad and has sat four extra-mural university papers in Calculus, Classics, Economics and Philosophy. Finley is the recipient of the University of Wellington Kahotea Scholarship to a total value of $30,000.00 over three years and the Lindisfarne Foundation Scholarship for the Dux of the College. Congratulations Finley!
Article added: Monday 22 November 2021