The Archives

In 2018 we celebrated 65 years at Lindisfarne College. Throughout this time the Old Boys, staff and parents of the College have been the vehicle that has carried us forward to where Lindisfarne College is today unashamedly one of the top boys schools in New Zealand. There have been moments, events, people and issues both good and bad that have helped the College and its people grow into what it is today. In this 65th year we celebrate, honour and recognise our heritage and those who built it.  But it is far more than that!

​65 from the Archive - Celebrating our People and Place celebrates the people who Lindisfarne College influenced and changed. While each can remember the past and can share their schoolboy stories it is their lives, their living out of the lessons learned – the faith, the character, the disciplines, the dreams, the relationships, the vision that we really celebrate.  Lindisfarne College unashamedly seeks to develop men of character who lead both successful and significant lives.  The sons of Lindisfarne have indeed grown into men and have made a difference in a wide range of places, settings and roles. 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​"When Old Boys gather together the stories immediately begin. The good, the bad, the funny, the ugly, the memorable and the better forgotten. We tell of the friendships, the characters, the moments, the jokes, the memories of life as it was and how it shaped us all."

Archive Articles