Te Puna Reo Māori
Ko te reo tōku tuakiri - Language is my identity
Ko te reo tōku ahurei - Language is my uniqueness
Ko te reo tōku ora - Language is my life
He mea whakapīpī te manu houhare e te reo māori. He puna wai tēnei mō te hunga e hiahia nei, e manawanui hoki ki te reo māori me ōna tikanga. He mea whakapiki wairua, he mea ako hei oranga mō te tauira me tōna whai i tō tātou reo rongomaiwhiti i kōnei i Motutapu Kāreti. Ko tā te reo, he whāngahia te manu houhare ki te mātotorutanga o tōna kai, ā, nā wai rā ka puawai te manu nei ki tōna ake taumata.
The Māori language openly calls those who are willing to learn our unique language. Its uniqueness is uplifting and it provides a great opportunity to learn the language and customs here at Lindisfarne College. Te reo has many aspects to its learnings and the student will be nurtured from a beginner level. In time through deligence and desire, the student will grow and be equipped in te reo to the best of his ability.