Assembly Notes 03/11/23

I now invite Year 10 student Jasper Jamieson  forward to deliver today’s reading 

Today’s reading comes from Joshua, Chapter 1 


Joshua Installed as Leader 

After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ aide:  “Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them—to the Israelites. 

I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.  Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon, and from the great river, the Euphrates—all the Hittite country—to the Mediterranean Sea in the west.  

No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.  

This is the word of the Lord……..


Rectors Comments:    


Today’s reading was about Joshua, who God chose to lead his people across the River Jordan into the promised land. God is telling Joshua that, because Moses has died, Joshua has been chosen to step up and lead the people. Joshua was Moses’ right hand man, 

So God gives Joshua some advice on how to carry out his duty as a leader. He urges Joshua to: 

  • Keep the people focused – they are about to cross the river Jordan and it won’t be easy 

  • He gives Joshua reassurance that he will need as the new leader. “I was with Moses so I will be with you.” 

  • He tells Joshua that he must be strong and courageous! 

  • He also tells Joshua to  

  1. Be careful to obey the law. 

  1. Do not turn away from the law. 

  • Finally, he tells Joshua that if he obeys all these things he will be successful wherever he goes. 

Why did I ask Jasper to read this passage today? Well, because today I’m challenging you to step up and be courageous.  

On Wednesday afternoon, something very significant happened in our school year at our Senior prizegiving. We congratulated our senior students for their achievements in 2023 and we said farewell to all Yr 11-13 as they finish regular classes for the year.  

We also celebrated our Year 13 students who will finish their schooling after their exams. They are no longer the leaders during the school day. I hope you enjoyed Head Prefect William Duncan’s valedictory speech as outgoing head boy, and seeing Leo Guo receiving the School Dux award as our top academic in the school and also William receiving the Herrick Cup, the most prestigious cup in the school and I hope you enjoyed being part of the haka for Fergus Morunga, our 2024 Head Boy, as William placed the korowai on him. 

So just like Joshua took over from Moses, we are now looking to our Yr 9 & 10 students to step up and lead in the school for the next 4 ½  weeks. That’s a big responsibility. You’ve looked up to the Yr 11, 12 and 13s all year, and now we’re asking you to take on that leadership role. 

What do I mean when I say we’re looking for you to lead? And who exactly do I mean? We’re not giving any badges out. You won’t be wearing prefect kilts. 

What I mean is that each and every one of you now has to show me and your Deans and teachers, through your daily actions and words that you are capable of leading. That you can step up. One day you may be applying to be a prefect, and we won’t just be looking at how you’re going in Yr 12, we’re watching you now. And so how can you show us that you have what it takes to lead, and that we should be keeping an eye on you as a potential prefect of the future? There’s a number of things you can do: 

  1. Make Responsible decisions. That takes courage, just like Joshua was challenged to be courageous, you need to have the strength to make good decisions and stick to what you know is right. Sometimes you might have to make those decisions when those around you are making bad choices. 

  1. Be willing to serve others. Show care for your friends and teachers. 

  1.  Encourage others and be positive all the time. No put downs – keep everything positive. Include others and lift them up. If you can’t be kind in your words and actions be quiet and still.  

  1. Show initiative – that means doing things without being asked. 

  1. Lead by example. In how you work in class, how you wear your uniform and in being in the right place, at the right time, at all times. 

Here’s a really important message - Do not make the mistake of thinking that, now that the seniors have gone, it’s time for you to puff your chest out, flex your muscles and show off to others that you’re now the king pin. That’s not how it works at Lindisfarne, that’s not the Lindisfarne Way. You can’t claim a leadership role, you have to earn it.  

Think about Fergus Morunga, think about William Ducan, those of you who remember him, think of Tuawhio Porima.  

See if you can earn the trust and respect of the boys in your classes, and in the case of Years 8-10, in the year levels below you, and show me that we should be watching you as a future senior leader at Lindisfarne. Year 7s you can also lead by setting a positive example to your classmates. 

That’s a challenge for you to think about today as you adjust to a school without senior students. How will you respond? How will you act and how will you lead? 

Just like Joshua would have asked God for guidance and support as he led his people across the River Jordan, we will ask for Guidance as we embark on this challenge of becoming the junior leaders of the college over the coming weeks. PAUSE 

Exam focus….. 

I want to thank you all for your efforts at the Christmas Carols service Tuesday and at prizegiving on Wednesday. I had a number of parents and grandparents come up tell me how impressed they were with you boys at these events. Keep that going. 

And speaking of grandparents, thank you to those of you who were involved in hosting your grandparents this morning. It was a great morning and all of you boys were awesome. 


Please join me in singing the school song, Highways in the Heart.  


Rector speaks.  

Thank you, please be seated. I’ll now ask Mr Petersen to come forward to present todays Sports report.  


Sports Report 


Congratulations to Andrew Wakefield who recently returned from Dubai playing in the U15 International Indoor Cricket Championships. The NZ U15 team came runner up, losing to Australia in the final but having good wins over South Africa, England (including the England U17 team) Sri Lanka and the UAE. Additionally, the Central Districts U15 team Andrew played for also won gold for the second year in a row at the National Tournament in Auckland earlier this year. 

Marley Hekenui travelled with the NZ U14 Indoor Cricket team to Dubai where they won the bronze medal playoff when they defeated England in a tense match. The team did extremely well making the semi-final in this international event. Congratulations too to Marley for being named MVP for the NZ team. 

Would Andrew and Marley please come forward to receive their respective medals 



Liam Penereth recently competed in the International Sailing Regatta in Noumea. He was one of 6 junior boys from New Zealand selected for the 2023 NZIODA Junior Boys Development Optimist Sailing Team. Over the holidays the NZ team (10 girls, 6 senior boys and 6 junior boys), travelled to Noumea to race in the Ludik Cup- international regatta. 

He was the youngest of the New Zealand team and in windy and challenging conditions (consistently 20knots) performed very well. Liam was placed 3rd in the junior boys (under 12yo) and 28th overall. He was competing against sailors up to 15yo, and racing against sailors from Australia, France, Tahiti and Noumea. 

Well done Liam and good luck for your event in November. 


Congratulations to Oliver Wilkins for being selected in the New Zealand Youth Alpine ski team as No. 1 U14 boys skier.  Also congratulations to Luke Wilkins for being selected into the New Zealand team Long List for the Junior Winter Olympics. 



During Labour Weekend Joshua Bye competed in the mountain biking Whaka 100 - 25km race and placed 11/89 in the male 10-14 yr old 25km race and 26/292 males overall (10yr old + ). 


Thank you Mr Petersen. I’ll now ask Dr Kristensen to present this week’s Cultural report and introduce a musical item. 


Cultural report 


Bands Tour to Taupo 

Last Friday our Symphonic Band, Jazz Band, and Pipe Bands descended upon Taupo to share the gift of music with the local community! The day kicked off with the pipe band and the soulful sounds of saxophones busking outside the Taupo Information Centre. Passersby couldn't help but stop and appreciate the incredible talent these boys displayed.  

Our first official concert was at the  Taupo monthly concert series at St Andrew's Church. The atmosphere was great as a large and enthusiastic audience gathered to enjoy the music, which included the saxophone quartet, jazz quartet, the piano skills of Leo Guo, a solo bagpipe performance by Fergus Morunga (pipe major), an extraordinary drum-line composition by our drum tutor, Mr. Budge, the symphonic band and jazz band. We then took our musicians to Hilltop Primary School, where we played a special program for the entire school. Congratulations to our great team of musicians who made this day possible. Thanks to Dr Kristensen and Mr Selfe.   


Big Orchestra Day  

Yesterday some of our year 7 – 9 musicians played at the Orchestra Day at Havelock North Intermediate School. There were over 120 young musicians that play all sorts of different instruments. Everyone rehearsed and practised together and learned a lot about what it means to play in an orchestra. At the end of the day the boys performed a concert to the public. Well done to everyone that took part in this this opportunity.  


HB Young Musician of the Year 2023 

Violinist Josef Oosthuizen has successfully made it through the preliminary round of the 2023 Registered Music Teacher’s Hawke’s Bay young Musician of the Year Competition and will perform in the final tonight at Iona College’s Blyth Performing Arts Centre. Josef will play a selection of contrasting pieces, accompanied by Mrs Jan Beck. We wish Josef all the best for his performance tonight.   

Rector speaks 

Boys I just want to finish by thanking you again for the amazing haka you did for Fergus on Wednesday . You never let us down on those big occasions and I guess the challenge then is to carry that on into the rest of your schooling and personal life. Don’t make days like Wednesday a one off. Make that self discipline and conduct “the norm”.  

Earlier I said I need you to lead in school for the next 4 ½ weeks, but in reality it’s only three weeks before camp week. Camp week is a privilege, not a right, so if you want the privilege of attending camp week, make good decisions over the coming weeks. 

I’m going to share with you somethign that Fergus said at his prefect interview. He said that he knows that he has been given an incredible opportunity to attend this College. So every time he’s tried his best in class, got involved in sports and culture and service and lived the values of the college by trying to be kind and helpful and respectful to others, he hasn’t just done it for himself. He’s done it to honour all the boys from his region, from his primary school who did not, and will not, get the chance to come to Lindisfarne, and enjoy all the benefits that we offer. His parents have made sacrifices for him to be here, and yours have done the same, so don’t blow the opportunity. 


I wish you all a safe and enjoyable weekend and for most of you there should be exam study involved.  

I’ll now invite Reverend Dunnett to close our assembly in prayer. 

Article added: Monday 06 November 2023