Despite a large number of apologies, it was nice to see 18 of our regular 1950’s and 60’s Old Boys at their mid winter, Puketapu Hotel, lunch on Tuesday 5 July.
Attendees included Bruce Dunderdale, Roger Alexander, Peter McNeil, Jim Syme, John McKenzie, Bruce Worsnop, Brian Worboys, Buster Neil, John McDonald, Geoff Clark, Gordon MacMillan, Des Ashton, Howard McNamara, Mervyn Harper, Robin Nairn, Ralph Brownlie.
There was a special welcome to Blue Dorward (63-65) and Bryan Mouat (65-69) who were both attending their first "Puketapu Reunion". Apologies were received from: Rupert Ryan, Brian Tomlinson, Ralph Harper, Graham Malaghan, Hilton Meech, John Dentice, Jim Worboys, David Mossman, Farry McLeod, Keith McLeod, Donald McIlraith, Adrian Smith, David Buckley, Ron MacMillan, Peter Ramsden, Errol Lockhead, Murray Kenderdine, Stuart Gunn, Strat Ellingham.
It’s always good to see some of our 1953 first day pupils (Alexander, McNeil) along with special guests, Rector Stuart Hakeney and LCOBA president, Mike Knobloch and an enjoyable afternoon was had by all.
Article added: Wednesday 10 August 2022