Max Devonshire (2015-2019)

Old Boy Max Devonshire (2015- 2019), with fellow UC student Tom Vincent, has established an initiative called ‘Flat Chats’ under the auspices of the charity ‘Lads without Labels’ which is designed to support male student mental health. The idea is that they take a roast meal into a student flat every fortnight and encourage the students to talk about their mental health.

Max and Tom started this initiative when they observed that young men did occasionally open up about their mental health but it was usually when they had had too much to drink which is not ideal. The campaign was inspired by student-led Silverline Otago initiative ‘Sober DMCs’, in which students encourage others “not to wait until you’re wasted”, but have sober deep and meaningful conversations at any time.

Max reported, ”Flat Chats is not about having a 'group therapy session' but a chance to sit down with some mates, have some kai and start a conversation about mental health.”

Well done to Max and Tom for helping to address a very serious subject in a positive and helpful way.

Article added: Wednesday 10 August 2022